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Test Achats files a complaint against a drug worth 2 million euros

 Test Achats files a complaint against a drug worth 2 million euros.

Test Achats files a complaint against a drug worth 2 million euros
Test Achats files a complaint against a drug worth 2 million euros

The Belgian consumer association Test Achats announces this Thursday its intention to file a complaint against the Swiss pharmaceutical group Novartis, which markets the drug Zolgensma, intended to treat a rare hereditary disease, spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), at a price of 2 million euros. euros. It is the most expensive drug in the world, according to the consumer advocacy organization, which believes that such a practice mortgages the entire health care system.

"The propensity of pharmaceutical companies to charge exorbitant prices for their 'innovative' drugs increases each time a little more", advances Test Achats. "However, such prices mortgage the entire health system, which is no longer able to reimburse such prices and must make painful choices". A finding that motivated the organization to file a complaint with the Competition Authority for abuse of a dominant position.

However, the drug has been reimbursed in Belgium since December. Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a rare inherited disease that affects the muscles. It can take several forms, the most common of which affects very young children such as little Pia, whose case has been widely publicized. Without treatment, its outcome is fatal.

The arrival of Zolgensma on the market is a godsend insofar as it improves the life expectancy of most young patients. However, its price of 2 million euros is "exorbitant", insists Test Achats. Belgium has negotiated with a few other countries, within the framework of the Beneluxa initiative, a reduction for this drug, in order to be able to grant temporary reimbursement, but this reduction remains secret. However, Test Achats suspects that the final price is still far too high.

"Not only is Novartis abusing its monopoly position - which is illegal - but in addition, such exorbitant prices mortgage the entire health care system", denounces Julie Frère, spokesperson for Test Achats. "There are unfortunately many other Pia. And these colossal amounts can prevent the reimbursement of other promising drugs. We have been asking for years that structural measures be adopted to regulate price fixing. By filing a complaint today against Novartis, we are once again sounding the alarm."

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