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Mental health: five tips for feeling good about yourself

Like many French people, the new year begins with a ton of good resolutions. It can be the start of new habits to improve your quality of life, in order to leave bad behavior in the past. What if 2022 marked the renewal of your mental health? Here are five tips to help you feel better every day.

Mental health: five tips for feeling good about yourself
Mental health: five tips for feeling good about yourself

Considered taboo, mental health has long been neglected. Today, the public authorities, such as Health Insurance, as well as the business world have taken the subject head on. Julia Néel-Biz co-founded with three other teale partners, a mobile application dedicated to the prevention and improvement of mental health in companies.

With its innovative solution, it campaigns for support for employees in their daily lives: “Prevention is essential if we want curation to work. Mental health should no longer be treated as crisis management, as we are used to. Often, we are a little helpless when something goes wrong. We don't necessarily know where to turn or what to do, apart from waiting for the wave to pass. »

Here are five tips to improve your mental health and start the year 2022 on the right foot!

1. Adopt a better lifestyle

The health crisis has accelerated the sedentary lifestyle of many. No more fitness outings after a hard day's work, it is now in front of a series that some comfort themselves.

Health insurance recommends regular physical activity (walking, running, swimming, cycling, etc.) and reducing stimulants such as coffee, alcohol or tobacco, which have a direct impact on the quality of sleep and on the general level of anxiety.

The quality of your sleep directly affects your mental disposition once awake. It is therefore advisable to sleep at least eight hours a night in order to maintain cognitive functions.

2. Do meditation exercises

Noise, heavy workload, time constraints… All these work-related factors affect our mental health on a daily basis. Our brain needs time to rest. It is therefore necessary to know how to listen to it. Blurred vision after long exposure to screens, aches related to your work position, lowered attention... These signals should encourage you to stop.

One of the methods to rest your brain is to practice so-called “mindfulness” meditation exercises. Inspired by Buddhist meditation, mindfulness meditation involves focusing your mind on the present moment.

It is practiced standing or sitting and it invites us to focus on our own sensations, on our breathing or on a specific point of our body. All this for no other purpose than to force our mind to stop mental wandering.

In addition, this method would reduce anxiety, depression and the risk of "burn-out", improve concentration and help improve mental health.

3. Better reconcile personal and professional life

With the explosion of teleworking, the boundary between private life and professional life can be weakened. The advantages of teleworking are numerous: time spent in transport reduced to nothing, increased hours of sleep, or the elimination of moments that interfere with your concentration at work (exchanges between colleagues, ringtones, etc.).

But recent studies on the subject have exposed many psycho-social risks linked to the practice of working from home, such as social isolation, a feeling of being cut off from the dynamics of the company and the encroachment of work on the private life.

Conversely, distraction from the home environment, such as the television or household chores, can affect your productivity and mental health.

Co-working spaces can be a solution to avoid these pitfalls: a space dedicated to work, without isolation and without distraction.

If you want to stay at home, it is better to align your working hours with those of your spouse.

4. Talk and listen!

Discussions help to put your mind in order and reduce the underlying tensions between people.

Talking about your problems can be a first step towards solving them. Conversely, listening to colleagues share their worries is also a way to ease your mind.

By offering a listening ear, you will be able to propose solutions. At work, we would not advise you to discuss your daily life with your colleagues, because it is likely that you encounter the same problems on a daily basis.

If you feel helpless in the face of your worries, go to a listening professional, such as a psychologist, for help.

5. Reduce access to information

Try to reduce the amount of news you watch, read or listen to on social media or elsewhere that causes distress or anxiety. A good way to stop the constant flow of information is to turn off your mobile notifications.

Take only the latest information at specific times during the day, once or twice a day if you feel the need.

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